Saturday (Day 2) by AQUAneer Adler G!
There was no sleeping-in for the AQUAneers this morning! Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by 07:00 they prepared, organized, and packed their gear into the “NEERmobile”. Today was not all fun and games… They had a job to do! The evil and invasive lionfish population (stretching far and wide from the shipwrecks of the Atlantic to the reefs of the Caribbean and far beyond) was destroying the reefs and the local food chain! Something had to be done! So, the AQUAneers prepared their gear for battle and brought their spears with them. The NEERmobile rolled out of the compound at 07:25 (locked and loaded, ready for war).

The AQUAneers arrived at the scheduled harbor site to meet the crew of the Ibis, the boat that would charge them into battle! The vessel was loaded, checked, and double-checked before departure to the battlefield which was the North Shore.

They began the voyage with a dive with “The Battle of Wiz Bang” and ended it with “The Battle of The Test Site”! They dropped one by one, each after the other until they were ready to descend altogether. Throughout these dives, they came across many allies such as Nurse Sharks, Turtles, and LOTS of Fish.

However, there was no lack of enemies to fight. When all the violence was over and the boat was headed back to the harbor, They had slayed a total of 22 Lionfish! The warriors celebrated their victory by fileting and taking data from every single fish back at the compound.

Soon after, they were joined by another AQUAneer, Alex, who had just flown in.

With the daylight dawning and the water still clear, the AQUAneers could not pass up the opportunity to enjoy their very first night dive in the Virgin Islands. The AQUAneers filed into the NEERmobile (gear and all) one by one until they had COMPLETELY filled it. Some MOGs had to sit on the floor (for lack of seatbelts available), but no matter! Safety has never stopped the AQUAneers before!

They prepped their gear and swam out to the dive site as the sun set like a fire in the sky! They had a glorious night dive to finish the day. They saw even more turtles and got a couple more lionfish too! To finish the night they feasted on burgers and lionfish with a bottle of Ting. WHAT A DAY!!
- Adler