Oculina arbuscula restoration
In 2018, MERROW embarked on the journey of setting up a coral nursery for Oculina arbuscula. It started with an undergraduate project participating in the Maymester Underwater Science techniques taught by Janelle. Their initial project results were written and are provided here as well as their initial presentation. Coral restoration of Oculina arbuscula final paper
MASC 490 Final Presentation – CORALS mod 05162019
Since that time, our techniques have improved, our nursery has expanded and we have outplanted and monitored the success! White paper coming soon!
Long Term Biological Data Collection
In 2008, the principals of MERROW created a two-week science diver course that they offered through a local University. Every August since 2009, on average 5 undergraduate and graduate students fine-tune their SCUBA skills, acquire new SCUBA skills and rescue techniques, learn basic underwater scientific data collection methods and basic data analysis and statistics. Over the last 8 years, over 40 students have emerged trained in collecting underwater scientific data. Many have furthered their education through graduate school or on the job training in government/educational positions. While participating in this course, we have also collected and assembled 8 years of biological time-series data, including algal distribution and abundance, on local natural and artificial reefs.

Lionfish Abatement Projects
Since 2012, the principals of MERROW have worked with local scientists, restaurants, and dive shops to reduce the local populations of the invasive lionfish, Pterois volitans and P. Miles. Local lionfish removal tournaments have reduced populations on particular wrecks. We are collaborating with Lionfish University and NOAA to design and implement lionfish traps with no bycatch.
Coral Reef Nursery and Restoration
In 2016, the principals embarked on a new adventure of learning about coral reef nurseries and restoration practices within the Caribbean. We have worked in Key Largo, the Bahamas and Mexico with coral restoration efforts. In 2018, we embarked on a coral restoration project in North Carolina with the hard coral, Oculina arbuscula.

REEF Fish/Invert surveys
Part of another long term study of a nearshore reef and an offshore reef. Students learn the basic fish and invertebrate species prevalent in North Carolina and perform transect and quadrat surveys quarterly.
Wreck Remediation
In 2014, the principals of MERROW were contracted to help locate a leak in the hull of an offshore wreck. The Principals used SCUBA to locate and then fix the leak.
Sediment Cores Collection
We have collaborated with UNC to collect vibracores in the Neuse and Pamlico Rivers as well as the Cape Lookout regions. Recently we are collaborating with scientists from NCSU to collect sediment samples that may contain a microscopic worm that uptakes its food through its skin!